View Full Version : Need super high quality flyboy in lift (elevator) image

11-Mar-2013, 04:31 PM
Has anyone got a really good quality hires digital image of flyboy in the Penny's lift in Dawn of the Dead?

eg: Better than this?

14-Mar-2013, 08:58 PM

14-Mar-2013, 10:19 PM
Not I, said the fly. But that picture would make a pretty sweeet Caption This...

14-Mar-2013, 10:30 PM
Well, my caption would be, "Hey look at an actual piece of the wood cladding from this JC Penny's lift inside this frame with me!"

15-Mar-2013, 12:51 AM
I was thinking more: Man, I hate eating my chick out on the rag...
Disgusting, I know, but he just has that look on his face like, "Ma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n, FML."

17-Mar-2013, 01:45 AM
I'll admit, I was thrown by the "lift" reference. You mean the elevator!

Took me a minute.

17-Mar-2013, 08:57 AM
I'll admit, I was thrown by the "lift" reference. You mean the elevator!

Took me a minute.

Elevator sounds all self-important and technical, like a holdover from a time when slippery travelling salesmen were making a big song-and-dance about selling "Edison's Patented Electrified, Cable-Operated No-Stair Elevator System" or some such nonsense. We don't say automobile when we can say car, we don't say bicycle when we can say bike, we don't say prophylactic sheath when we can say condom. :P

17-Mar-2013, 01:17 PM
"Elevator" is more of an American thing, I believe. Most everywhere else they're referred to as "lifts".

17-Mar-2013, 03:55 PM
"Elevator" is more of an American thing, I believe. Most everywhere else they're referred to as "lifts".

The only places I ever heard an elevator refered to as a lift is when I spent a week in London and on Star Trek (turbo-lifts). Of course, on Star Trek, they use the metric system too. Blah! :)

22-Mar-2013, 08:48 AM
The only places to get real high resolution images of that are either by a screen-cap of a Blu-Ray or an actual scan of the original film print. A scan of the print will be much higher quality than a Blu-Ray grab. But it's unlikely that there's one floating around out there.
Where's that image from anyway? Is it an HD screen grab? Or an enlarged standard DVD grab?

I'm not sure what kind of camera they used to film that? If it's 16 or even super16 the resolution will be limited anyway. Further limited by the scanner and scanner operator that scans the print.

The only other suggestion I can offer is that there's a plugin for Photoshop called "Blow-Up", it increases the dimensions of an image using an algorithm that creates very little quality loss. It's made by a company called Alien Skin. I think there's a demo but not sure what its limitations are outside of a time limit.
I can tell you how to sharpen and make an enlarged image or a limited resolution screen grab look better if you want to try that.

03-Apr-2013, 12:23 PM
So do any of you kind folks have a bluray player on your PC and a good Dawn of the Dead bluray? Able to capture some stills along the lines of the example in the OP?

03-Apr-2013, 06:29 PM
So do any of you kind folks have a bluray player on your PC and a good Dawn of the Dead bluray? Able to capture some stills along the lines of the example in the OP?

If I can find a way to transfer my BR copy from player to my PC by way of HDMI, I might be able to get you one. Although I don't know if HDMI's can run both ways like that. Anyone with more experience know?

03-Apr-2013, 10:06 PM
Simply need someone with a bluray player on their PC I believe. From there, I believe screencaps should be easy!

03-Apr-2013, 11:53 PM
Simply need someone with a bluray player on their PC I believe. From there, I believe screencaps should be easy!

Neil, Dubious Comforts is the man you need to ask.

04-Apr-2013, 02:34 AM
Simply need someone with a bluray player on their PC I believe. From there, I believe screencaps should be easy!

My apologies. Just trying to help after three weeks of no results.

09-Apr-2013, 07:27 AM
If you still need a screenshot, I can help you out, Neil. Lemme know!

15-Apr-2013, 04:42 PM
Could you help me out too Griff? I need a screenshot for the same purpose.

15-Apr-2013, 07:01 PM
So far I've got one from a bluray. However, on cropping it down to just Flyboy and the lift, it appear basically the same as the image in the OP, and not as sharp or well contrasted. It's beginning to look as if the example in the OP is as good as it might get?

16-Apr-2013, 06:13 AM
Could you help me out too Griff? I need a screenshot for the same purpose.

I'd be happy to - only I'm about to fly outta town for work. I won't be home for the next week. Can you wait till then?

16-Apr-2013, 08:45 AM
^^ Of course!

16-Apr-2013, 12:58 PM
What Neil said. Thanks Griff.

23-Apr-2013, 03:26 AM
Okay, I'm back home. Neil, I'll get your pic within a day or two. Jscott, are you after the exact same screenshot?

23-Apr-2013, 01:50 PM
Ta... Yes he's after the same sort of thing... for the same reason :)

24-Apr-2013, 02:36 AM
What are you guys doing with this anyway? If you don't mind me asking...

24-Apr-2013, 07:38 AM
I have a small piece of the wood cladding from the lift/elevator. So I want to put it in a small picture frame with a picture of flyboy and the elevator behind it.

24-Apr-2013, 07:53 AM
I have a screen grab of the blu-ray in 720p. I don't know if they did a 1080p version or not.


By uploading it the image was shrunk. The one on my computer is 1280x720(720p). I can take one at any particular time in the film if the one I posted isn't the exact one you want. Just let me know the time and where to send the full size image to.

24-Apr-2013, 07:56 AM
^^ Thanks...

Have to say though from what I've see this is the image to be so far... And maybe this is as good as it get?


24-Apr-2013, 08:21 AM
How did you get that one? If it's just a DVD grab that was cropped, which it seems like, a grab from an HD source cropped in the exact same way will be better than that. In the image you have there I can see visible haloing on all the edges and artifacts that come from upscaling an image. That will come through in the print big time.
If you're gonna print it out yourself there's some other considerations. Computer monitors and HDTV's display images in RGB(red-green-blue). Printers print images in CMYK(cyan-magenta-yellow-black). So if you print the image yourself you'll have to convert the images color profile to CMYK or it won't print right regardless of the quality of the image. It's not difficult to do, you just have to have an image editing app like photoshop. I assume you want it to look as good as possible for the purpose. So unless you convert the image you choose to print to the CMYK print profile, it will have color problems, which usually results in too much blue making it look like a printed TV screen.

After doing a comparison of your image and the 720p capture I did it looks like your image was just brightened a little bit. Which is also easy to do. And no matter where the screen grab comes from it will have to still be brightened and converted to CMYK before printing to make it look like you want it to. The difference will be that an HD screen grab won't have the haloing and artifacts that the image you posted has. The image you posted is from the web, so it's using an RGB color profile. It will still have to be converted to CMYK in order to print right.

24-Apr-2013, 08:31 AM
^^ Just found it on the internet. I now think it's a 1080p frame that's just been cropped down...

24-Apr-2013, 08:40 AM
It's also been edited to lighten it up. But it looks like it's been upscaled. I can tell by the artifacts in the smaller detailed areas. That could also be from someone doing a bad job lightening it. The dimensions of the image are 1000x644. So it was probably a 720p grab cropped from 1280x720 down to 1000x644. A 1080p grab would be 1920x1080, so the quality would be greater still.
If Griff gets you a native 1080p grab, you can email me the image and I can lighten it and convert the profile so it will print right. Unless you plan to have it printed by a service or something, then they'll do all that before it's printed. But it's not difficult and not something to pay a bunch of money for. It only takes 5 minutes, I've done it a million times.

24-Apr-2013, 01:00 PM
OK ta!

- - - Updated - - -

Okay, I'm back home. Neil, I'll get your pic within a day or two. Jscott, are you after the exact same screenshot?

If you're able to get some/any, can you save them in lossless format? eg: PNG?

EDIT: Correction! TIFF uncompressed please :)

25-Apr-2013, 04:33 AM
Just to let you know Neil, PNG is a web format and aren't meant to be printed. So they don't support CMYK color print profiles.

From wikipedia:
PNG supports palette-based images (with palettes of 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA colors), grayscale images (with or without alpha channel), and full-color non-palette-based RGB[A] images (with or without alpha channel). PNG was designed for transferring images on the Internet, not for professional-quality print graphics, and therefore does not support non-RGB color spaces such as CMYK.


A better format is TIFF. It can use lossless compression or no compression at all(preferable) and supports RGB and CMYK.

25-Apr-2013, 02:18 PM
Better question (and I may have missed the answer along the way)........how did you get lift paneling????? I want some!!!!! Sounds like a great idea.....post pics when you get it finished, please.

25-Apr-2013, 02:42 PM
Don't want to say who in case they start getting lots of unwanted requests, so a "kindly soul" sent me a bit.

25-Apr-2013, 02:56 PM
Here we go:


Hmmm. Imageshack converted the TIFF to PNG for me. Could you convert it prior to printing, perhaps? Or would that degrade the quality somehow?

I'm not sure if it'd matter so much. The blu ray is DNR'd to death and there's not much fine detail left to salvage.

25-Apr-2013, 03:18 PM
Thanks Griff!

^ babomb? Thoughts?

If PNG is a problem, maybe Griff could email you/me the TIFF version?

25-Apr-2013, 09:35 PM
It would be better quality if he could email one of us the TIFF. That's the ideal situation. But if that's not possible, I can convert the PNG to TIFF. I'll send my private email in a PM to you Neil.

What application are you gonna use to print it out? I just want to know so I can find out if there's any conventions I need to consider. There's several CMYK profiles, some better than others, and not all applications support all of them. There's a standard one that's universal, but if the application supports the higher end profiles that's the best way to go. Also, will you be printing this one a PC or Mac? The TIFF byte order is different between them and I'll have to know which one to choose.

25-Apr-2013, 09:42 PM
Thanks Griff!

26-Apr-2013, 01:45 AM
The one I got in the email was a jpeg. I can work with it but the original TIFF would be best. The dimensions are 1934x1088, which is great.

- - - Updated - - -

OK. Sorry for the delay. I got the image color and tone corrected. I brightened the levels, added vibrance and contrast.
I have a copy of it as a proof for you to tell me if you want it brightened more/less and to tell me how you want the crop. This is just a JPEG and hasn't been sharpened because that's the very last step before converting to TIFF and CMYK. Tell me what more you want done...

26-Apr-2013, 08:45 AM
^ Looking good!

I've asked Griff to email me a TIFF (uncompressed) version of the image...

Your example changes above look great. My only issue would be the lights at the top of the lift look 'too much'? That said, I'd be cropping the image down in size (a bit like the image in the OP) so I suspect that region would get chopped anyway! But the rest of the image looks great! I'd suggest waiting until I get that TIFF?

Many thanks!

26-Apr-2013, 08:58 AM
Yeah I'll definitely wait for the TIFF. Wasn't sure on that. I can tone down the lights at the top. That's just a result of brightening the rest of the image.

01-May-2013, 06:18 AM
Whoops! I'm back. E-mailing the TIFF to Neil now!

03-May-2013, 07:17 AM
here's the image before sharpening and converting to CMYK:

Let me know if this is good. I'll wait to hear from you before I do the final steps. When I corrected it, I tried to compensate for the lights at the top. That's why it looks a lil different than the versions above. But I can change that easily if you like the other ones more.

03-May-2013, 08:48 AM
That's looking great! Maybe just a bit more contrast, if that makes sense?

The TIFF is 1600x900 pixels, so I assume your final image would be too? I obviously want to retain every pixel (resolution) I can to help the final print quality!

Thanks again!

03-May-2013, 09:42 AM
The tiff I have is 1920x1080.

Updated version with more contrast and slight color correction.

03-May-2013, 10:07 AM
^^ Looks very good. So I assume a quick sharpen and all done?

All I would do with the final image is crop it down for the final image I want in the frame :)

05-May-2013, 02:57 AM
Done. Sending email now.

05-May-2013, 03:26 PM
been in that elevator.......very cool picture.