View Full Version : Ok, this is unreal

darth los
29-May-2007, 11:59 PM
I don't know what to even make of this. It's unbelievable. I don't know if this is a hoax or what, but don't you think that if there were really hogs this big that they would command Atleast Bigfoot or Yeti status? It seems like it would be pretty big news. I'm also skeptical that an 11 year old can acurately fire a 50. caliber magnum, and kill a thing that size, under stress at that. If things like this are really out there, then the apocalypse is upon us my friends. That thing is as gig as an Amtrack car for pete's sake!! Gotta go. I suddenly have the urge for some pork chops.


30-May-2007, 12:15 AM
Wait, is this a new hogzilla hoax? There was one a few years ago iirc...

I may even read the article, but I'm eating right now and don't want to delve too deaply till I'm done, but that pic looks similar to the pictures of the original hogzilla.

30-May-2007, 12:51 AM


heres why:

1:the kids meant to appear to be leaning on the pig, obviously to give it a sense of size but hes either at least a meter away or photoshopped in.
2:the tree just doesnt look right, theres the reamins of a cut down tree around it, in comparison to the surrounding trees its far to big and has a slightly more pixelated look than the surrounding area.
3:i cant even see any teeth in that animals mouth, and for something that big in a country like the us to actually live long enough to grow to that size must have some way to defend itself against the natural predators like wolves and bears, if it doesnt have anything like that i dont see it feasible that something could grow that big without being the top of the food chain or able to beat down any other predators.
4:the pig is lit by a light source coming form about 2 o clock.
5: the kid si lit by another light source coming from 11 o clock
2 again: the tree in fact is lit even better than the kid even though it is supposedly closer to the tree cover and the kid in front, further away form the trees is in more shadow.

add this in with the fact the press hasnt even seen the pig adn youve got a hoax my freinds.

30-May-2007, 02:05 AM
FOX was asking questions about it too. The thing is off getting its head mounted so I guess we'll see then. They also plan on a few hundered pounds of sausage. DO people actually hunt wild boar to eat? One thing that bothers me is that they were qick to put up a webste, i think its monsterpig.com


darth los
30-May-2007, 02:09 AM


heres why:

1:the kids meant to appear to be leaning on the pig, obviously to give it a sense of size but hes either at least a meter away or photoshopped in.
2:the tree just doesnt look right, theres the reamins of a cut down tree around it, in comparison to the surrounding trees its far to big and has a slightly more pixelated look than the surrounding area.
3:i cant even see any teeth in that animals mouth, and for something that big in a country like the us to actually live long enough to grow to that size must have some way to defend itself against the natural predators like wolves and bears, if it doesnt have anything like that i dont see it feasible that something could grow that big without being the top of the food chain or able to beat down any other predators.
4:the pig is lit by a light source coming form about 2 o clock.
5: the kid si lit by another light source coming from 11 o clock
2 again: the tree in fact is lit even better than the kid even though it is supposedly closer to the tree cover and the kid in front, further away form the trees is in more shadow.

add this in with the fact the press hasnt even seen the pig adn youve got a hoax my freinds.

Damn Hells !!:eek: You're really on top of this one , huh? The hoax debunker strikes again. Good work.:cool:

30-May-2007, 02:11 AM
im one of those guys who is so jaded i nee dreal proof to believe in anything ,so it busts my nuts when hoaxers pop up pretending to be real, and if its heads being mounted then we'll see, most liekly outcome is theyve gone down to uncle jerthos farm, killed the pig with the biggest head, maybe stretched it out a little with wood on the inside then mounte dit.

darth los
30-May-2007, 02:14 AM
What's more impressive is that you have the cognizance to do stuff like this at 3 something in the morning. That's dedication people!!!:elol:

30-May-2007, 02:16 AM
not really, i got up at 4 in the afternoon:lol:

what?, its half term.

30-May-2007, 02:19 AM
It looks pretty real but either way how funny would it be to be out camping and suddenly this huge hog comes charging at your campfire s'mores? I wouldn't even know how to react i'd be half scared and half laughing like crazy.

darth los
30-May-2007, 02:19 AM
Is that like spring break for you guys?:confused: I just got through with finals myself and I'm one week into a 3 month summer vacation.:elol:

30-May-2007, 02:33 AM
nah my exams are like on the 5th, then one every other monday or tuesday till the end of june, this is a week off before that, to refresh you minds or somethign like it, i was never to hot at revising info im better at concentrating on the exam itself, yknow "dont panic and avoid generalisation, plan your answer and the evidence before writing it down" type stuff yknow?, thatll get me through the exams much better than revising constant facts, dont knwo about you btu doing that just means the last thign i revised will eb the only thign i remember.
then summer vacation, after i aint sure, either uni, a third year of college or *grimaces* work.

darth los
30-May-2007, 02:41 AM
Don't be in a hurry to get out in the real world and work dude. Hang on to those school days for all your worth. This is the best time in your life. Even if you might see it as total suckage right now. And for pete's sake DON"T HAVE KIDS !!!!!! :eek:

30-May-2007, 02:42 AM
high school is the best time of your life its before you actually ever have to pay for anything!

darth los
30-May-2007, 02:46 AM
Not if you know how to work the system. Haven't you ever sen van wilder? :p

30-May-2007, 02:48 AM

but still nothing beats high school ...first time for many things like... that was my first time being shoved out a second floor window to TP someones house ...and of course my friends in HS ruled

darth los
30-May-2007, 02:50 AM
I guess it's all about the memories. High school sucked for me. Heartbreak, i was an outcast( i know big suprise) and my relationship with my parents really suffered. College life is treating me much better.

30-May-2007, 02:53 AM
I changed schools a lot but had the best time where ever I was. Life is what you make it so its important to enjoy it and not let everyone else determine how much fun you have. I feel like Tony Robbins lol :elol:

darth los
30-May-2007, 02:56 AM
Life is what you make it so its important to enjoy it and not let everyone else determine how much fun you have. I feel like Tony Robbins lol :elol:

Truer words have never been spoken. However, that is such a precarious time for most, when the opinions of other people carry alot of weight. Of course we know better now though. I couldn't give 2 sh1ts about what people think about me nowdays.:p

30-May-2007, 03:20 AM
jesus hellsing you went all out explaining that

30-May-2007, 03:29 AM
when you study film adn media at college level you end up spending way to much time examining pictures.

dont even get me started on prono:lol:

31-May-2007, 01:50 AM
The pig ate pot brownies that were cooling on someones window sill.
I heard the 911 call.

Seriously, thats alot of pork dishes in the next year!
I hope the have space to refridgerate it.

They are nasty though if you piss one off, watch out.
Climb a tree...

31-May-2007, 02:18 AM
they are nasty.

31-May-2007, 02:49 AM
Yeah the original Hogzilla...was actually smaller than they had claimed supposively 1000 lbs but after National Geographic dug up the skeleton they said it weighed 800 lbs.....Still unnaturally huge...supposively these hogs can grow huge out in some of these areas because they inhabit 1,500-acre fish farm and hunting preserves and get into the feeding bins dispersed on these properties for the fish and game (steroids in the feed) ...also the original Hogzilla had irregular DNA....

So they have all the nutrition they need to get that big....

The Mystery of Hogzilla Solved
National Geographic Reveals the Truth Behind the Legendary Beast From GeorgiaFrom GMA March 21, 2005
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Print The mystery of the beast known as "Hogzilla" was born in the swamps and woods of Georgia just last summer.

Chris Griffin, a hunting guide, was out in the woods one day when he says he couldn't believe his eyes -- an animal resembling a hog that was 12 feet long and weighed over 1,000 pounds.

Editor's Picks
Georgia Town Celebrates 'Hogzilla' Legend
"All sorts of thoughts were running through my head, and I was thinking, 'I'm gonna take a shot at this animal,'" Griffin said.

With the help of a backhoe, he hoisted the enormous beast up for the perfect trophy shot of the animal soon dubbed "Hogzilla."

An Internet Legend Is Born
Griffin buried the beast shortly after the photo was taken, but when the picture hit the Internet, a legend was born.

People around the world questioned whether Hogzilla was real or a trick of computer photography. Others debated whether Hogzilla was an enormous wild boar or a farm-raised hoax.

That's when National Geographic stepped in.

"We decided to do a real "CSI"-style investigation for Explorer," said Nancy Donnelly, a National Geographic producer. "We brought in a pig geneticist, a wildlife ecologist and a pig behavior specialist."

Is Hogzilla Real?
Now, after extensive research, there is a verdict.

National Geographic says Hogzilla is very real, though not as big as they thought. But the 800-pound male had something strange in his DNA.

"One of the most amazing things that we found out about Hogzilla was he had wild boar in his ancestry and we were only able to figure this out through our DNA testing," said Donnelly.

This all being said....the real hogzilla was still smaller than they claimed....

This new hogzilla could easily be a Hoax......and/or or and+or they could have potentially raised a large beast specifically to make this type of news and doctored the photo a bit and exageratted a bit etc.......

31-May-2007, 02:36 PM
"irregular DNA"?, god bless the u.s and its 3 mile islands and toxic waste dumps.

still no super heroes though.

darth los
31-May-2007, 05:49 PM
That's what science gets us. I was hoping for a Jessica alba from dark angel mutant myself.:mad: P.M. me when they come out with those please.:D