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View Full Version : Special treatment!?! Not Paris!?!

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 07:36 PM
Man this stuff just keeps getting better. It's truly a circus. Unfortunately i couldn't find the link, apparently they haven't updated their site yet, but msnbc was reporting on Paris' parents visiting her in jail and their subsequent plans for her release. It's surreal.

Their whole argument was that she was being treated more harshly that someone else in her position would just becaus ewho she is. Well apparently that's crap. They basically shut down the jail when she gets visits.

First off, her parents bummed a quarter off one of the corrections officers so they could rent a locker. Then they were brought in at lunchtime when there are not suppossed to be any visitors, all so they wouldn't have to suffer the indignity of waiting in line like everyone elses family. And if reports are to be believed they rode in on chariots being dragged by oily, muscular men carrying palm fronds and grapes. j/k:p But that's exactly how they act. Then a visitor was up in arms when her lawyer came to see her because she she was told that she could come visit at 12:30. She got there at 12:20 ready to see her fiance' and she was told that she was being bumped to 2:30 because her parents and lawyer were there!! Prisoners' visits are limited to a 1/2 hour but for some reason paris got to visit for an hour and a half. Gee I wonder why.:confused: These people make it impossible to feel sorry for them. They are totally tone deaf. There's not a V.I.P. line for visitors.

Second, when her boyfriend visited her he reportedly kissed the glass partition seperating them when he left. Now that's bad, but when you think about it, it's probably more sanitary than kissing paris herself.:barf:

Third, they reported that The day she was out of prison last week she actually mat with a plastic surgeon!?!:confused: Get this, it's the same guy who worked on michael jackson!! We know one thing for sure, if he did work on michael then he's an expert on making people look unrecognizeable.:p Think about it, we could totally have a face -off type situation here where paris is on a plane to Hawaii while one of her houskeepers is in county lock -up. :eek: These guys were funny last night, they really ripped her a new one. I only wish i could remember more of what they said.

To top it all off her father wants to throw her a get out of jail party when she gets out and get this: He wants whoever hosting it to pay THEM $50,000for the honor of having paris in their establishment. The hard rock cafe' has declined his generous offer.

Oh, and her agent dumped her also. :lol: :lol:

Well that's the paris update for now. I'll keep you posted. Until then here's a jail spoof of her video "stars are blind" to tide you over. :barf:


15-Jun-2007, 12:52 AM
oh damn thats funny... but now that you mention it her and MJ have something in common... their love for Peter Pan... he likes Peter... she likes Tinkerbell... they both look like crap...

But I dont feel bad for any of the prisoners who are losing visits or getting visitors bumped because hey... its jail people... you dont deserve to see family or friends you need to repent you sinners!

15-Jun-2007, 03:03 AM
who bums a quarter when you have atleast a bill in the bank. sickens me.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 03:28 AM
When your that rich you don't carry cash and forget about change. Plastic baby!! It's all about what color credit card you have, the black card or red. They were probably like " a quarter!?! WTF is that!?!":confused:

15-Jun-2007, 05:09 AM
God, just burn the wench at the stake..I'm sick of hearing bout her....

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 05:26 AM
Ha! wench. BOIL HER IN OIL !! :mad:

15-Jun-2007, 05:36 AM
if she weighs as much as a duck...

15-Jun-2007, 09:41 AM
They were probably like " a quarter!?! WTF is that!?!":confused:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was without a doubt the funny one liner have read in some time. TY Darth for making me laugh this morning

15-Jun-2007, 11:38 AM
This sh*t just keeps getting weirder and more arrogant and spoiled doesn't it?! Bloody nora! :eek:

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 05:33 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was without a doubt the funny one liner have read in some time. TY Darth for making me laugh this morning

Anytime DJ. Although i have to admit, concerning this case, This stuff pretty much writes itself.:D

15-Jun-2007, 08:17 PM
It just defies belief how these hiltons could ever consider themselves to be down with the normal folk...it...it really boggles the mind.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 08:27 PM
the way she threw a tantrum in the courtroom went a long way in showing the way these people are used to having it. She screamed "it's not right" and called out "mommy!!". I mean WTF? They just don't think the rules apply to them.

15-Jun-2007, 09:08 PM
"It's not right"? :lol: ... like it or lump it love, "it's real life!" :elol:

Surprisingly, the vast majority - the average punter - doesn't have a billion cars, nor a mansion, nor millions in the bank, nor gets paid to spend an hour vomitting on some poor club owner's new furnishings...what a stupid spoiled whore...almost as stupid as that waste of space shabnam off big bruvnah, who's just been giving the grubby boot up the arse out of the house, haha, useless bint! :lol:

15-Jun-2007, 09:35 PM
F**k Paris! What about Michael Barrymore, eh? :eek:

15-Jun-2007, 09:41 PM
F**k Paris! What about Michael Barrymore, eh? :eek:
lol, he's been arrested AGAIN over that pool thing...I thought they'd solved that case like 3 times already, or that he'd been cleared several times...really weird.

That case is following him around like a fart that just won't go away.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 09:56 PM
Okay. Over my head. Who's michael barrymore? :confused:

15-Jun-2007, 10:00 PM
he's from big bro uk

15-Jun-2007, 10:09 PM
Google is your friend. :p:lol:

Hey hellsing - two google burns in one night, boshty as fook! :D

He was an entertainer on cheesy ITV gameshows/sitcommy type kids shows. He then kinda went AWOL, some bloke turned up dead in his pool at a party, and it's been a big thing for years. He then appeared on Celeb Big Brother in 2006 and milked it while he was here, then f*cked off again, now he's been arrested over the same death for the zillionth time. :rolleyes:

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 10:12 PM
So your the only one that can be lazy today !?! no fair!! :mad:

15-Jun-2007, 10:13 PM
So your the only one that can be lazy today !?! no fair!! :mad:
Oh okay, I'll let you off. :):D

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 04:58 AM
so media feeding frenzies over bullsh8t stories is not just an american thing? What a relief. :dead:

16-Jun-2007, 11:20 AM
so media feeding frenzies over bullsh8t stories is not just an american thing? What a relief. :dead:
Ah mate, we're drowning in it ... lol, even Tony fahkin' Blair whinged about the media.

It is true that all this 24 hour media stuff leads to scrabbling for any shred of anything, but most news outlets are biased (e.g. BBC is traditionally biased towards Labour or Liberal, whichever it fancies from day-to-day), then there's Fox News and we all know who's dick they suck.

Anyway, Blair complaining about the media was also quite pathetic, especially as he bent over backwards to tickle their dicks, now he's getting the other side and getting stung - quite rightly - over some absolutely hideous decisions and some fahkin' useless leadership...I certainly look forward to checking out this "Taking Liberties" documentary which rips Labour a new one over their poor-arse track record for civil liberties...

Anyway, before Liam gets all "HULK SMASH!!!" on me *chuckles*, I'll shaddup. :p

This whole Madeline thing here in the UK is absolutely retarded, now it appears she might be buried in some scrubland or something, but the constant news coverage of it was sickening...as is the way the parents of the missing kid have managed to scrape a world-bleedin-tour out of it, even meeting the fahkin' POPE! :eek:

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 05:35 PM
You know, i can understand why the neo-cons who run this country went to war, but why in the world did blair fall in line with this obviously messed up war? He wasn't tied down to it like bush is.

16-Jun-2007, 05:49 PM
You know, i can understand why the neo-cons who run this country went to war, but why in the world did blair fall in line with this obviously messed up war? He wasn't tied down to it like bush is.
Cos Blair & Co are wankers. :D

17-Jun-2007, 12:36 PM
Man this stuff just keeps getting better. It's truly a circus. Unfortunately i couldn't find the link, apparently they haven't updated their site yet, but msnbc was reporting on Paris' parents visiting her in jail and their subsequent plans for her release. It's surreal.

Their whole argument was that she was being treated more harshly that someone else in her position would just becaus ewho she is. Well apparently that's crap. They basically shut down the jail when she gets visits.

First off, her parents bummed a quarter off one of the corrections officers so they could rent a locker. Then they were brought in at lunchtime when there are not suppossed to be any visitors, all so they wouldn't have to suffer the indignity of waiting in line like everyone elses family. And if reports are to be believed they rode in on chariots being dragged by oily, muscular men carrying palm fronds and grapes. j/k:p But that's exactly how they act. Then a visitor was up in arms when her lawyer came to see her because she she was told that she could come visit at 12:30. She got there at 12:20 ready to see her fiance' and she was told that she was being bumped to 2:30 because her parents and lawyer were there!! Prisoners' visits are limited to a 1/2 hour but for some reason paris got to visit for an hour and a half. Gee I wonder why.:confused: These people make it impossible to feel sorry for them. They are totally tone deaf. There's not a V.I.P. line for visitors.

Second, when her boyfriend visited her he reportedly kissed the glass partition seperating them when he left. Now that's bad, but when you think about it, it's probably more sanitary than kissing paris herself.:barf:

Third, they reported that The day she was out of prison last week she actually mat with a plastic surgeon!?!:confused: Get this, it's the same guy who worked on michael jackson!! We know one thing for sure, if he did work on michael then he's an expert on making people look unrecognizeable.:p Think about it, we could totally have a face -off type situation here where paris is on a plane to Hawaii while one of her houskeepers is in county lock -up. :eek: These guys were funny last night, they really ripped her a new one. I only wish i could remember more of what they said.

To top it all off her father wants to throw her a get out of jail party when she gets out and get this: He wants whoever hosting it to pay THEM $50,000for the honor of having paris in their establishment. The hard rock cafe' has declined his generous offer.

Oh, and her agent dumped her also. :lol: :lol:

Well that's the paris update for now. I'll keep you posted. Until then here's a jail spoof of her video "stars are blind" to tide you over. :barf:


she's no diffrent from us just cauze she's an hiress to the hilton fortune.they get it into there heads that they are better than everyone else.she shouid be put in solitary confinement,until she's released,and spanked raw!:elol:

darth los
17-Jun-2007, 01:45 PM
she's no diffrent from us just cauze she's an hiress to the hilton fortune.they get it into there heads that they are better than everyone else.she shouid be put in solitary confinement,until she's released,and spanked raw!:elol:

I'm willing to bet that the footage of her getting beat like that would sell wat more than her one night in pari video. That's something people would actualy want to see. :elol: