Hello all

Anyone here use AutoIT to create scripts or automated processes? If so I am so unbelievably over my head here, I had an idea to create a program that basically forces people to log avid projects with dead by dates etc, it's all on a shared storage and can be accessed by any client, and at the moment we're using an xcel document to keep a project log, but with my new program I can force people to log projects before they can open the avid software, which makes my life MUCH easier. Trouble is, I've never designed something like this, but my manager has left me pretty much to do it on my own. I've taught myself the basics but really it's not enough - I have the layout, the tables, the buttons, but no functionality at all.

Here are my questions:
Using SQLite commands, how do I create a database that I can put a table into, then call back the information, amend it, and display it, sort it etc? I realise I need to run an SQL script which creates the initial database which the main program will edit and amend, but I'm totally stumped on how to do this!

What are: variables, parameters, keys, etc?

I wouldn't be shocked if no one actually uses this, or has any experience, but I thought I'd put it out there just in case I can get some useful info to go on!!
