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Thread: The self-improvement thread

  1. #1
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    The self-improvement thread

    I was quite inspired by MZ's post over here and was wondering what goals for change other people might have.

    So: what would you like to change about yourself?

    To stop this thread becoming an outpouring of self-hatred, keep it to five measurable goals. E.g. "get healthy" or "be a better person" are no good because there's no way of measuring when you've achieved them. Something like "go to the gym twice a week" and "donate £5 to charity every month" would be better, for example

    Here are mine, off the top of my head:

    1. Figure out a way to stop replacing cigarettes with food (I quit smoking 2.5 years ago and gained 12 lb, which I'm still unable to shake off- whenever I diet, I start wanting to smoke again, so then I start eating again to avoid cancer )
    2. Learn to dance- something I've always wanted to be able to do
    3. Learn to sing or play guitar- ditto
    4. Spend more quality time with Liam, even when I'm really tired from work
    5. Career-wise, continue grabbing every opportunity with both hands and don't get too discouraged when I don't always achieve what I wanted to
    La freak, c'est chic!


  2. #2
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    1. Stop aiming for the bottom all the time
    2. Overcome my terror and avoidance of any kind of (work-related) responsibility
    3. Be more organised, especially in my studies and financial matters
    4. I could possibly do with being more fit - maybe take up swimming or running
    5. Finally start writing stories that I actually finish

  3. #3
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    good thread chic,

    -Finish my high school. The correspondence books are sitting right in front of em, but I can never seem to finish them..i only have one lesson left to get a credit as well ffs.
    -Get back in shape. After I dislocated my shoulder for the 8th time, I pretty much just stopped goign to the gym or running. Sad really, as I used to be incredibly fit and strong, and all that good stuff.
    -learn to not care about others opinions. I mean this applies to the little things. IE, I will never play my music without head phones on, for fear of people disliking my musical tastes, etc.
    -get outside more, and see more daylight. I work nights, so I usually sleep during the day.
    -learn to play guitar or bass. I've been told i can actually sing pretty well, and I somewhat enjoy it, but that's where my musical talents end.

    dunno what else to say, but maybe in the post we should include ways of reaching these goals?
    Last edited by mista_mo; 14-Mar-2009 at 12:27 PM.

  4. #4
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    dunno what else to say, but maybe in the post we should include ways of reaching these goals?
    Good point... here are mine again:

    Quote Originally Posted by Chic Freak View Post
    1. Figure out a way to stop replacing cigarettes with food (I quit smoking 2.5 years ago and gained 12 lb, which I'm still unable to shake off- whenever I diet, I start wanting to smoke again, so then I start eating again to avoid cancer )
    2. Learn to dance- something I've always wanted to be able to do
    3. Learn to sing or play guitar- ditto
    4. Spend more quality time with Liam, even when I'm really tired from work
    5. Career-wise, continue grabbing every opportunity with both hands and don't get too discouraged when I don't always achieve what I wanted to
    1. Don't know.
    2. Got my first dance lesson tomorrow!
    3. Liam says he'll teach me to play bass...
    4. ... which neatly ties in with no. 4
    5. I'd say I'm doing that now really
    La freak, c'est chic!


  5. #5
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    my biggest problem is my lack of direction at the moment. i've got a decent job that pays okay, but i really ought to be doing something more with myself.

    i had a lot going on last year while away at school, so i dropped all my stresses (girlfriend, shitty part-time job, and all my classes) and moved back to my hometown. while i'm content here, i'm not really satisfied with where i am compared to where i could be. i realize i could be doing a lot worse for myself, but i just feel like i need to do something worthwhile other than work my ass off five days a week.

    been giving serious thought to going back into the military, either that or going back to school and finishing my degree. so, by this fall, i will either be lining stuff up to get back to active duty in the Marines or will be re-entering the university to attend classes.

  6. #6
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    1.I would like to be way more organized and throw things away. I have got better at it but I need to do better at it.
    2. Get better at my painting,I am a folkart painter and I love it. I am always wanting to do better at it.
    3. I dabble in writing I would love to finish a story I have been working on for last 2 years.
    4. I want to make a trip to Gettysburg someday.

    What I love about life is you are never too old to do new things or to better yourself in any way.
    Cool thread Chic!

  7. #7
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    One thing I've wanted to change about myself is getting more in-shape. So, I recently purchased a chin-up bar and have been using it quite frequently. It actually makes me feel better... like less stressed, more confident, and I even feel healthier (somewhat).

  8. #8
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Great thread, Chic!

    - Go back to college again (graduated with a degree a few years ago, but want to explore new things). Already looking around.
    - Volunteer with Hospice (my mom used this service and it's wonderful). Will look into this in a month or so.
    - Not procrastinate so much (should have put this at the top and gotten a head start with it! ).
    - Do more outside once the snow melts - walking, going to the park - whatever. I can be a homebody very easily without my hubby's gentle prodding (he's an outdoor type).
    - Finish editing a story I've been working on for a couple years.

  9. #9
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DawnGirl27 View Post
    I can be a homebody very easily without my hubby's gentle prodding
    A little too much information!!!

  10. #10
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    A little too much information!!!

  11. #11
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    1. travel the world,its something i really want to do now,a few years ago i wasnt that bothered as i was far more interested in going clubbing all over the country every weekend,but now even though i still do all the clubbing thing,i would drop it to go travelling for 6 months to a year!quite a few of my old school friends & others i know have done it,and through the magic of facebook ive seen all their photos & realised what im missing out on,and im still young enough to do it & get the most out of it!

    2. get better on the guitar,i bought my strat a year ago & its only now im really getting to grips with chords & strumming patterns (ive had no lessons,self taught) so now that i can play songs all the way through, ive passed that painful stage where you feel like your hitting brick walls & you'll never be able to play it now i want to learn power chords & solos!

    3. Carry on dealing with this OCD i have & keep on trying to improve my quality of life with it,im far,far better than i was at 22 when it all came to a head,but it still lurks around in my mind & some days manages to take over & drag me down.

    4. Give the territorial army a good go!ive wanted to join for years but kept talking myself out of it,but ive been to a few meetings recently & filled out all the medicals,and once ive had my upcoming operation & recovered from it il be able to sign up & start training!It may not be for me,and the inevitable 6 month tour of afghanistan is a scary thought,but i want to at least give it a go for the fitness,adventure & to be able to say ive served my country (plus the extra money will help towards 1. on this list)

    5. get into a relationship that lasts longer than a few months!ive had a lot of girlfriends over the years & ok one of them was for 5 years,but ive been hurt a few times & broken a few hearts myself!im not desperate for it,im quite happy single with all the freedom to do what i want,but it would be nice!

    6. get my skydive done!it was all planned for Newquay last july but the weather was rubbish so i couldnt do it (i did learn to surf though which was cool) but hopefully i will be doing it in the upcoming months!its one of those things i want to be able to say ive done,and the experience will be awesome!im terrified of looking back when im old & thinking that i missed all these opportunities to live a full life,like quite a few people ive known over the years who are now settled in domestic drudgery,who will never do anything more exciting than the annual holiday to majorca with the wife & kids or whatever
    Last edited by Tricky; 15-Mar-2009 at 10:27 AM.

  12. #12
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    im terrified of looking back when im old & thinking that i missed all these opportunities to live a full life,like quite a few people ive known over the years who are now settled in domestic drudgery,who will never do anything more exciting than the annual holiday to majorca with the wife & kids or whatever
    You and me both. That is definitely in my top three of most terrifying thoughts!
    La freak, c'est chic!


  13. #13
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    A little too much information!!!

  14. #14
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    im terrified of looking back when im old & thinking that i missed all these opportunities to live a full life
    You see, that's gonna be me in a few years. I'm only 24, but I can see all the opportunities just soaring past me, yet I don't have the initiative and drive to actually do anything about it.

    The most depressing thing is that I know when I'm dead I will leave the world no different to how it would have been had I never existed.

  15. #15
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    1. Just like Chic....I've gained weight and seem to eat a bit more ever since I quit smoking a few years back.

    2. I like the sauce. Need to cut back.

    3. Not only do I eat too much, but I need to eat things that are a bit more healthy. I'm a huge fan of greasy cheeseburgers.

    4. Need to stop cursing so much. Especially now that my daughter is starting to speak.(she said daddy for the first time a few days ago)


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