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Thread: EU to deploy paramilitary group to Greece?

  1. #1
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    EU to deploy paramilitary group to Greece?

    The European Union is often mocked as a toothless political entity that lacks any military power. There has been talk of an EU-wide army, but so far most military functions remain with individual member states.

    Internal security is a different matter. Brussels has quietly organized an outfit called EUROGENDFOR, the European Gendarmerie Force, which is designed to quell riots, uprisings, and other forms of violent internal dissent. According to the report below, EUGENDFOR is preparing to deploy to Greece to prevent a possible descent into violent anarchy in the wake of the country’s severe economic crisis.

    Our Flemish correspondent VH has compiled an extensive report based on articles at Het Vrije Volk (Dutch) and Kopp Verlag (German), with additional material from other sources:

    Will the special EU-unit be deployed in Greece?
    The economic crisis and the resulting growing unrest offer the EU government in Brussels a welcome opportunity to quietly test the deployment of a ‘secret’ EU force, which was established to put down uprisings in the EU. This secret unit is called EUROGENDFOR, has its headquarters in northern Italy, and is now preparing to leave for Greece, to be deployed against the population of an EU country.
    There is something brewing in Greece. The protests of the citizens in the urban areas are becoming more violent. While the Germans advise the Greeks to get up earlier and work harder, anger rises in the Greek streets. In Brussels, all preparations are being made to for the first time employ the ‘secret’ EU force to crack down on uprisings. Most Europeans have never heard of this ‘secret’ unit.

    Brussels’ paramilitary gendarmerie
    The staff of the European task force of 3,000 troops has its headquarters In the Italian town of Vicenza [in the “Generale Chinotto” barracks], and is called “EUROGENDFOR”. It was initiated by the former French Defense Minister Alliot-Marie after the French had to deal more and more frequently with internal uprisings of Muslim immigrant youth with street battles and looting. With the powers of the secret service, the equipped unit must in close cooperation with the European military guarantee the ‘security in European foci of crises’. It is its duty as a police force to crush rebellions. More and more EU countries are joining EUROGENDFOR

    Watching the news today on the widespread rioting in Greece, including several deaths, will the EU dare deploy this rather frightening sounding group to quell the riots? And how will the greek people take to a foreign paramilitary group coming in & duffing up the locals? Some countries would see that as a declaration of war, be interesting to see how all this pans out

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    so where are the greek police and military? if theres rioting to the point where people are being killed shouldnt they be doing something? and if they arent enough maybe outside help is needed? This sounds more like a last resort deal than some invading big brother for this kind of situation.
    That said ive no idea how bad this rioting is, it seems like a situational thing where you need to judge each event separately based on severity and threat to the general public and such yknow?

  3. #3
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Yeah, the rioting is pretty bad by the looks of things & it does need sorting out one way or another, I just think its a concern that the EU has created such a group under the radar. Reading about that group on their website they have far more military capability than a police force, but not enough to be an army. What worries me is that the EU has history of wanting things its own way without dissent (its supposedly an offence to criticise the EU in the Lisbon treaty, I did read that in there) so theres a Gestapo whiff about this lot, but I could be wrong.

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Yeah, the rioting is pretty bad by the looks of things & it does need sorting out one way or another, I just think its a concern that the EU has created such a group under the radar. Reading about that group on their website they have far more military capability than a police force, but not enough to be an army. What worries me is that the EU has history of wanting things its own way without dissent (its supposedly an offence to criticise the EU in the Lisbon treaty, I did read that in there) so theres a Gestapo whiff about this lot, but I could be wrong.
    doesn't every political power want things done their way though?

  5. #5
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    This is true!
    Seems Obama isnt too keen on the EU either..

    At some point, something is going to make the whole EU pipe dream implode on itself

  6. #6
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    And how will the greek people take to a foreign paramilitary group coming in & duffing up the locals?
    They probably won't notice, since it seems like half of them are busy laying in the street bleeding and semiconscious.

    But seriously, if Greece can't handle it themselves, the collective they belong to should do it for them. That's the whole point of joining it in the first place: to do what you can't alone.


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