The other day I rewatched the theatrical film of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and I'm still not sure if I'm pleased with the film or not. Obviously, it's not perfect because NOBODY can make a perfect film based on this wonderful book. But do I like it? I'm not quite sure.

Let's make one thing clear, I'm a huge Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan. I love everything about the books, and I've read the first and second books numerous times. So I was obviously very excited when I found that they were making a film about it. Unlike many other people, I wasn't that annoyed that they cast Mos Def in the role as Ford Prefect. People complained that Ford should be white (and I admit, I always envisioned him to be), but I really didn't mind. I still don't. What I'm surprised about is that nobody complained about Zooey Deschanel being cast as Trillian, because she was (unlike Ford) described as being of darker descent in the book. Middle Eastern, or African, I don't know, I was just amused at how people complained about Ford being black, but nobody complained about Trillian being white.

Anyway, back on the film... When it first came, I was a bit annoyed because there were so many brilliant moves they could have done, that in the end didn't work. For example, in the book Ford Prefect is much more of a jerk, who likes to mess with people. In this film, he's kind of dull and doesn't really get that much to do. I don't blame Mos Def, I blame Garth Jennings (the director).

Zaphod Beeblebrox? Well, they got the perfect kind of actor for him, and I can't really complain because Sam Rockwell did a great acting job. But in the book, Zaphod is REALLY an arrogant, sarcastic jerk and in the film he's kind of toned down into just having the arrogant part.

Arthur Dent was good. My only complaint is that he's not confused enough. In the book, that's all he contributed basicly! There were many funny situations between him and Zaphod in the book that didn't make it into the film.

Trillian. Zooey Deschanel was an awful actress, and I still cringe whenever she has any lengthy dialog. I don't like her at all. They could have done much better. Nuff said.

Overall, the things they added that was not in the book was alright, but felt kind of rushed. They visit Humma Kavula and Vogsphere in less than, what is it, 30 minutes? Some funny stuff, and I know Douglas Adams wrote it, but I think they could have done better. Some of the stuff from the book disappointed me too, but that's just because it was so bloody hard to translate. Most of Fords jokes, for example, which may be why they were cut, making him a pretty dull guy.

As a final note, the "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish" musical number was hilarious.