New movie, just came out today. I saw it alone, as I'd heard there were naughty, naughty thangs in it. Got a nice toke up, and a trippy drive in the rain to the next town to see it.
It was actually pretty full for the semi out of the way theater. As I'm always on CPT, I get there as the last preview shows, which is Thor. I then catch a semi just from seeing Natalie Portman. Interesting...
Movie starts out, and then a Duran Duran song plays...
I'm sensing the cheese, even though they are throwing out my favorite band to me.
I will say that, even with the bad reviews, it ain't a bad flick. Will it force you to ponder deep stuffness and make you all smug inside for your badassedness intellimagentrously?

As a child of the 80's, it strikes a chord. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna say, "But Graveh, this ain't gonna appeal. This is too much of a pussy assed niche movie, for a select few Hot Tub Time Machine wishing douchenozzles!"
While it isn't going to turn a guy's life around, you can see that, well, it strikes a few chords where needed. True, most of today's viewers, which are younger than most of my concert tees, might not find this sort of movie something to view...
Well, dammit, I did.
Was I expecting to find myself on the road getting all "retrospective" with my life?
Of course not.
But yet I did.
Then I saw something shiny and, drawn to it, forgot all about my own paltry concerns.
Take that as you will...
Did I enjoy it?
Surprisingly, I did. Not a big Topher or 70's show fan.
Would I recommend it?
Sure, to guys around my age. If you don't like it, I guess you are the bomb, and I isn't.
Would I buy it on dvd and watch it constantly until I have drained all enjoyment out of it?
It hit the moment's spot, but if it doesn't call to you, or you're just too hip to be square...
Then skip it. See it on Netflix, or wait until it hits whatever cable spot it lands on.
I liked it, Even with its flaws. It had many a cheese song, but I bet anyone who lived around the same time as me can easily recite the words.