View Poll Results: Should the Cop in the Video be fired?

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Thread: What should happen to this cop?

  1. #1
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    What should happen to this cop?

    I know the video is long, skip to about the 6 min mark to watch several mins of it to see some "uncop" like behavior but the whole video is filled with this guy being much more than a prick.

    I think this guy's career in law enforcement should be over but on a police forum I sometimes post on; some people are sticking up for this guy. I do not understand how anyone can say what he did was justified in anyway.

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yes and No. He definitely made some poor choices, but the odds also aren't in favor of the driver. He's driving around with a known pimp and prositute and has a gun(permit or no permit). Of course that's going to make the cop very uneasy. He was justified in feeling threatened and getting a bit angry, but he also took it too far. The stress must've got to him.

    I say give him some anger management classes and keep a close eye on his arrests. If something like this happens again, then give him the boot.
    Last edited by bassman; 22-Jul-2011 at 12:48 PM. Reason: .

  3. #3
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Wow. Fire this fucking piece of shit without severance. Revoke all rights to carry firearms. Force him to attend many anger management classes. Way out of line.

    Cops get killed because someone is calmly talking to them with a concealed weapon, while trying to show their permit to carry? Talking to a cop while [legally] carrying a gun means you're fucking with them and don't deserve to be a part of society? Having a concealed weapon while talking to the cop is the same as putting a gun to their head? Because a cop thinks you committed an offense (which you didn't), means in the future he can rightfully pull you over, send you to jail, and impound your car, for no reason?

    I love how he gets pissed off when the dispatcher confirms that the guy is allowed to carry a concealed weapon and continues to say the guy was lying about it.
    Last edited by MikePizzoff; 22-Jul-2011 at 04:39 PM. Reason: a

  4. #4
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    I Love how you guys carry concealed weapons and wonder why cops get edgy with you

    After watching it through, from start to finish.. the guy has a concealed weapon which he didnt inform the cop about, whether he was interupted or not is irrelevant, if he has the license and has done some kind of course, he knows the law he knows what he has to tell the cop.. and hes travelling with a pimp and a prostitute, and you guys are actually wondering why the cop got mad and are calling for him to be struck off? actually?

    Your also calling for the law which requires you (if your carrying a concealed weapon) to inform the police immediately to be reversed? for real?

    i dont think ill ever understand American mentality, seriously. you guys might aswell be from another planet lol

  5. #5
    Banned User

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    Reminds me of when my dad got angry today. Worse, but similar kind of rage. Fear makes people act out. Guns are stupid. That is all.

  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    and hes travelling with a pimp and a prostitute
    That's the most important thing to note, right there. Traveling with known offenders automatically makes him suspicious. On top of that he didn't tell the cop immediately? Having the card in his hand means nothing. For all the cop knew, that was his insurance card. And if you have a weapon in your vehicle(legally), arent you supposed to take out the clip/ammo, lay them on the dash board out of immediate reach, and keep your hands on the wheel? Seems like i've heard that before...

    People just hate cops from the start. They can't ever be on the good side. Cops are evil and just out to harm us. That being said.....maybe he did take it a step too far. But calling for him to be fired? There's no need in that. He didn't beat the guy, ffs.

  7. #7
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Its a rare feat for me and you to agree bass, we should try it more often

    I hate people who are too quick and too harsh on police, ive always had alot of respect for men and women who do a damned hard job with alot of stress put on them from all sides, maybe the cop took it too far maybe he didnt, i cant honestly say becuase i dont know how i would react in his position but i definatly dont think he should fired in fact i would say its pretty alarmist and anti-police to call for this guy to be fired. The whole tone of the film there and the way its presented actually disturbs me alot more than the behaviour of the cop.

  8. #8
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post

    I know the video is long, skip to about the 6 min mark to watch several mins of it to see some "uncop" like behavior but the whole video is filled with this guy being much more than a prick.

    I think this guy's career in law enforcement should be over but on a police forum I sometimes post on; some people are sticking up for this guy. I do not understand how anyone can say what he did was justified in anyway.
    FIRE HIM. Totally out of control. the guy tried to tell him and he cut him off.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  9. #9
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    FIRE HIM. Totally out of control. the guy tried to tell him and he cut him off.
    To a point, yes. I saw this earlier and was like, "Hang the bastard, hang 'em high!"
    Worst day of his life? We certainly hope so, though he certainly is a dumbass. Does he have a background, has he even had complaints before? Research before condemnation, I say. I'm totally not condoning him, but methinks there is more to the story. The guy was hanging out with known criminals/a self admitted prostitute, no matter what the nature, in areas known to be problem areas. Was the cop right? Probably not, but his memory seemed to semi serve him right...
    I'm just saying don't be so quick to condemn.

  10. #10
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    That's the most important thing to note, right there. Traveling with known offenders automatically makes him suspicious. On top of that he didn't tell the cop immediately? Having the card in his hand means nothing. For all the cop knew, that was his insurance card. And if you have a weapon in your vehicle(legally), arent you supposed to take out the clip/ammo, lay them on the dash board out of immediate reach, and keep your hands on the wheel? Seems like i've heard that before...

    People just hate cops from the start. They can't ever be on the good side. Cops are evil and just out to harm us. That being said.....maybe he did take it a step too far. But calling for him to be fired? There's no need in that. He didn't beat the guy, ffs.
    Dude, the last thing you ever want to do when pulled over by the police is to fiddle around with a pistol - legally carried or not. Keep your hands on the wheel until you are told to do otherwise - do NOT unload your weapon and place it on the dashboard. Cops will likely see a gun in your hand, may perceive you as a threat to themselves or to their fellow officers and unload their weapons on you.

    Having reviewed the video, obviously this cop is over the top in his behavior, but I don't believe that it rises to the level of being fired. He does need to be counseled, however, about his anger and maintaining his self control.

    That being said, I do think that the driver's story was awfully weak. He is in an area known for prostitution, conversing with a prostitute and a pimp. His cover story about pulling over the car to get a telephone number of a cleaning company sounds pretty ridiculous. More likely that he was trolling the area for streetwalkers - a dumb thing to do in and of itself to be sure but even more stupid while carrying a loaded concealed weapon, permit or not.

    He is lucky to have been granted the privilege of carrying a concealed weapon - these permits are nearly impossible to come by in my area - and as a gun owner and a concealed carry permit holder should have used better sense including not picking up hookers and also proactively identifying himself immediately as a permit holder. The attempt he made, to me, appeared to be totally lame as was his excuse for being in an area known for prostitution late at night.

    I have had experience with police officers who come off as overbearing and aggressive, so I know that it is not fun dealing with them. But it appears to me that he put himself in a situation that invited scrutiny of the police, and then failed to properly identify himself to the officers as a permit holder which apparently is something that they are required to do. The driver, to me, comes off as a total idiot and as such should not have a concealed carry permit in the first place <-- I say this as a gun owner and a proud member of the NRA.

    -- -------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Guns are stupid. That is all.
    Sorry to disagree with my brother but guns are not stupid but people can be stupid. A gun is nothing more than a tool, and like a screwdriver or a hammer they are manufactured for a specific purpose. But like a hammer or a screwdriver a tool like a gun can be used stupidly, however, with deadly results, depending on how stupid the user might be. And IMO - that driver was all kinds of stupid.

    On the other hand, these cops were pretty lax about their personal safety as well, and should undergo some retraining in this regard. Their SOP should have been such that they should have secured the driver (ie. get the driver out of the car with his hands on the hood and searched to ensure that he does not have a weapon that could comprimise everyone's safety) prior to the first cop searching the back seat of the car for contraband. IMO, they are quite lucky that the driver was a relatively harmless idiot carrying a concealed weapon rather than a third striker felon who would do whatever he needed to do to prevent his arrest.

    -- -------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Your also calling for the law which requires you (if your carrying a concealed weapon) to inform the police immediately to be reversed? for real?

    i dont think ill ever understand American mentality, seriously. you guys might aswell be from another planet lol
    I am a gun owner who thinks that this group's call to repeal this law is asinine. Please don't think that this fringe group or other activist groups are representative of "Americans" any more than PETA or MAMBLA are, as most Americans think those groups are from another planet too.

    -- -------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I hate people who are too quick and too harsh on police, ive always had alot of respect for men and women who do a damned hard job with alot of stress put on them from all sides, maybe the cop took it too far maybe he didnt, i cant honestly say becuase i dont know how i would react in his position but i definatly dont think he should fired in fact i would say its pretty alarmist and anti-police to call for this guy to be fired. The whole tone of the film there and the way its presented actually disturbs me alot more than the behaviour of the cop.
    In total agreement with you, my brother! I don't condone the actions of the cop, but I grok where he was coming from.

    In my town there are areas where drugs and prostitution are endemic - should you find yourself contacted by the police in those areas after hours you had better have a better excuse than the lame-ass tale this idiot came up with for being there. And if you are also in possession of a weapon you should not wonder why the cops treat you like a scumbag criminal if you have no legitimate reason to be in the area.
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 24-Jul-2011 at 04:02 PM. Reason: Yes, minister!
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."


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