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Thread: Old news re-hashed!

  1. #1

    Old news re-hashed!

    A good year or so ago, I read an interview with Hideo 'Metal Gear Solid' Kojima on a translated Japanese games website about his interest in making a 'Dawn' game. I think this interview was done in 2001 so don't hold your breath but some of his ideas were interesting to me. Firstly the game itself; to be set in Japan at the height of the Romero zombie-conflict, would've included daily radio news broadcasts letting you know what was happening across the world. Secondly, the Live game. If my mind serves me correctly, he said that it would cost you a 'small fee' to create your own character from start and take him/her out into the apocalypse to survive scenarios that the other online users create. If you get bitten, there's no herb, no spray, no medkit, you will slowly die within 24 game hours and succumb to the daily routine of a zombie via computer AI. He also stated that if you wish to escape the fee of re-starting the game from scratch, you would have to convince an online team-mate to track you down and put you out of your misery! I wish I could find the link to the website but I've been trying to locate it again for a good few months now with no success. Apparently he is a self-confessed 'Dawn' addict and saw it at the cinema on release over there in the early 80's. I think that game would've been cool as f**k!

    PS: That's if you could actually PLAY it! Didn't MGS2 have a famed 30 minute cutscene?
    Last edited by capncnut; 14-Oct-2006 at 04:02 PM.

  2. #2
    At last I found the interview! It's a shame Capcom got there before him.

    "While there are quite a few zombie games, none of them have re-created the zombie 'feel' within myself. There is not a single game that turns the 'eaten' into a zombie. If the game does not feature gameplay in which the player is eaten and becomes a zombie, it is not a zombie game in the true sense. At one time, I seriously considered purchasing the rights to DOTD to create a game that takes place in a closed mall. But because DOTD is too great a film for me, and because the concept of zombies is too popular in the video game world, this has not happened yet. How can one implement the concept of 'turning the eaten into zombies?' I have an answer to this. It would be an online zombie game.

    Your objective is to eliminate all zombies in the world. You use firearms to fight and if you are eaten you become a zombie. You can no longer control your character. You simply roam around in this online world. You'll have to pay even while you roam around as a zombie. To play again, you have to enter the game as a new character. And if your new character is eaten, you become another zombie. Now that you are two zombies, you have to pay twice the money. If you don't enter the game as another new character and go kill your 'zombie selves,' you'll have to keep on paying multiple fees. The number of zombies in the game keeps on increasing. If you cannot kill your zombie selves by yourself, you can ask your friend to do the job for you. It's a zombie pyramid scheme. Once the number of zombies exceeds that of human players, the game ends. This game design makes best use of the zombie concept. Someday, I would love to create such a game."
    Here's the full interview.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    pfft, pay even for a zombie you don't even control and continue doing so? Is he f*cking nuts?!

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    if you came up with metal gear ,yes, youd have to be a little "3 sheets"

  5. #5
    Okay, the idea is embryonic to say the very least but a Kojima zombie game would surely kick the knackers out of Dead Rising.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hmmm ... I duno, if it actually involved paying to not only maintain an uncontrollable zombie, but also pay to have multiple characters in this online world, it just smacks a bit of "f*ck that, buddy" to me.

    I guess you're either an MGS guy or a Splinter Cell guy ... I'm the latter.

    I'm glad he had enough sense to leave Dawn of the Dead alone too, but I do agree, we're sorely missing a proper-proper zombie game ... although from the looks of it Dead Rising is the best one out there.

    What we really need is a great zombie FPS. That could be so friggin' sweet. Road to Fiddler's Green was a minor distraction, but was so limited - the best of RTFG came out with the modding community (check out ... damnit, give me a proper zombie FPS already!!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I guess you're either an MGS guy or a Splinter Cell guy ... I'm the latter.
    I'm neither but I have to say that the first Metal Gear s**ts on every Splinter Cell game put together. As for the zombie FPS, our wishes have been granted with Left 4 Dead.

  8. #8
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    An online zombie game would be good, but I wouldn't want one that you couldn't play as a zombie in... as well as one set in Japan.

    As for an FPS there's a couple of HL2 zombie mods that look promising (and a little less cliched than Left 4 Dead) but neither are out yet.

  9. #9
    Agreed, No More Room In Hell does look tasty, as does the Max Payne mod of Dawn Of The Dead, but I aint heard any information on either in ages.

  10. #10
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    MZ pretty much said most of what I wanted to.

    I hope Dead Rising 2 (if they even make a sequel) will be online. It would be great being able to run around the mall with friends.

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Isn't Dead Rising multiplayer/online capable?

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    nope only a linear single player with an online leader board. lame ,huh.

    and for the record ,yes. metal gear solid DOES **** on every splinter cell game


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