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Thread: Oblivion cheers and grumbles

  1. #1

    Oblivion cheers and grumbles

    I'm a good way into this (for the second time now) and I just got to say that not only is this one of the most atmospheric and epic games I have ever played, it is also a great big stinking pile of horse s**t!

    I am enjoying a lot of the side quests but last night one of them f**ked up on me. It was the one where the girl wanted me to reclaim a family heirloom called the Rockshatter. When I killed the dude who had the artifact, it gave me TWO Rockshatters and now whenever I try to get my prize from this bitch she doesn't know what I'm talking about. It wont hand the Rockshatter over.

    So faced with an impossible neverending quest, I decided to hand out her ass on the plate using the very artifact she asked me to recover. This closed the quest but not in the way I would have liked. On the bright side, I Robbed her body, robbed her house and I have TWO Rockshatter maces that are weigh nothing, are both enchanted and will never leave my inventory. Not a bad trade really all considering.

    Anyone else out there having similar problems?
    Last edited by capncnut; 10-Jan-2007 at 12:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    I'm a good way into this (for the second time now) and I just got to say that not only is this one of the most atmospheric and epic games I have ever played, it is also a great big stinking pile of horse s**t!

    I am enjoying a lot of the side quests but last night one of them f**ked up on me. It was the one where the girl wanted me to reclaim a family heirloom called the Rockshatter. When I killed the dude who had the artifact, it gave me TWO Rockshatters and now whenever I try to get my prize from this bitch she doesn't know what I'm talking about. It wont hand the Rockshatter over.

    So faced with an impossible neverending quest, I decided to hand out her ass on the plate using the very artifact she asked me to recover. This closed the quest but not in the way I would have liked. On the bright side, I Robbed her body, robbed her house and I have TWO Rockshatter maces that are weigh nothing, are both enchanted and will never leave my inventory. Not a bad trade really all considering.

    Anyone else out there having similar problems?
    I believe I had a similar problem in Morrowind. I finally realized that what I had to do was put down all of the multiples of the item I had until only 1 remained in my inventory. Only then would the person accept it from me. I don't know why it was like that but if something like that ever happens to you again just do what I did.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I believe I had a similar problem in Morrowind. I finally realized that what I had to do was put down all of the multiples of the item I had until only 1 remained in my inventory. Only then would the person accept it from me. I don't know why it was like that but if something like that ever happens to you again just do what I did.
    Tried that, it kept coming up with "you cannot remove quest items from your inventory." Still said the same thing when I tried to sell the Rockshatter to some merchant in Anvil even though the quest had finished!

    I'm the kind of loser who hates open quests so I did what I had to do. I just hope I haven't killed a character I'll need to rely upon later. Thats one of the many flaws with Oblivion unfortunately.

  4. #4
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I just hope I haven't killed a character I'll need to rely upon later. Thats one of the many flaws with Oblivion unfortunately.
    Actually, no. You can't kill people who will be important to you later.

    And as for the quest, it's a pretty useless quest. It's a mere bug that's all, and compared to Morrowind and Daggerfall, Oblivion is surprisingly bug free! I haven't encountered that many during the months I spent on it.


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