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Thread: does it really matter, at all?!?

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    does it really matter, at all?!?

    excuse the bad text i just copied and pasted fomr my blog, but i figuired it would be a topic of discussion here too:

    excuse me while i brain fart

    So im looking the nets and notice there are sites dedicated to gay gamers, ive been tlaking this tpoic over with freinds down the local alemeisters and we all came to the conclusion (not jsut the straights but the gay dude as well).
    That what the frigg does it matter?!?
    Is there a "gay halo: gay combat evolved"?, no, sexual orientation doesnt matter one iota, so why do gay gamers sites?, it doesnt make a difference if the gamer is gay or straight male or female so whats the point.
    really, it just seems like a pointless divide to me.

    Posted by Danny

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    There is a site called Gamer Dad as well, but there's a point in that one as it's a parent who games and understands games, making a socio-political statement, trying to encourage other parents to pay some freaking attention for a change.

    Anyway, the whole sexual or colour divide over some topic is just stupid. Like the Mobo awards - music of black origin - firstly, if it was of white origin it'd be racist, and there's also no awards (as far as I know) for asian origin or whatever, so it's just singling out, it's all rather silly.

    In the end of the day - it's all music, stop sucking yourselves off, demanding equality, but trumpeting your "differences" when it suits - it's actually f*cking lame is what it is.

  3. #3
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    the whole point of the virtual environment is you abandon reality and immerse yourself in a fantasy realm. why anyone would want to ground it by having preference based teams is beyond me.

    although a left wingers vs neo nazis online battle in a game like call of duty or something would rule
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  4. #4
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    those dad sites attract pedophiles. nd no it doesnt matter.

  5. #5
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    I haven't heard of gay gamer sites, but then again, I have never actually looked for one. Gamers are gamers, who cares the orientation.

    However, mayby they are sites for gay gamers to find each other. Eh, who cares though, let people have their sites... unless its pedo sites, those people need to be burned on a stake but not before getting tiny cuts all over their body then dipped in vats of lemon juice, rolled in honey and dropped on a mound of fire ants. Then they need to be covered in petroleum jelly and set on fire while on a stake.

    But that is off topic.
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  6. #6
    Just been bitten Ivarr's Avatar

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    To be fair, I can imagine that "in your face" heterosexual graphic content could be as intrusive to a homosexual gamer as the reverse.

    But to be honest, unless sexuality ( of any kind) in some way is central to the plot and furthers the story ... it really does not have to be in your face.

    But to the point ... gamers are gamers ... unless your dating or wanting to ask another gamer out ... what relivance does the gamers sexuality have to the topic of gaming?

  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    exactly!, it has no relevance to how you play the games in any way, its like the most pointless seperation you could have since noone cares if your gay or straight in gameing.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    But surely part of being gay is being alternative, not being "the norm" - because after all the "norm" is man & woman, because that's how babies are made and that's how the human race ultimately continues...kinda like putting two magnets with the same pole together, they don't connect like they are technically supposed to, but it's a lot of fun regardless...kind of a ropey analogy, but you know what I mean...although I've no idea what it's like to be gay, cos I ain't it's kinda tricky to know what it's like, hehe.

    Anyway...where was I? Ah yes, surely being gay - which is after all the alternative, the different road. There's gay pride parades and "coming out" ... you don't sit your parents down to say "look...I'm straight..." and you don't have "I like boobies and fannies" parades. So what I'm getting at is, with gay folk being in the minority, and the lifestyle being alternate to the mainstream, then surely part of being gay is dealing with the hetero mainstream?

    Mind you, there's a fair bit of gay culture in the mainstream these days, far more than back in the day, so the ratios are tilting a bit more to make things more fair and cohesive...

    Anyway, that was my point - surely a point of being gay is being the alternative choice, not being the default, going against the mainstream - ergo - "putting up with" hetero culture being the default on show.

    Like an advert for Lynx, it's targeted at straight blokes, so a chap sprays it on, and then he's got a zillion fine looking babes running down a beach wearing almost nothing down a beach towards him so they can shag his brains out.

    I guess it's like people who only like indie films, or foreign films, they have to put up with a constant flow of mainstream stuff in the cinemas, and they have to seek out what they're into being exhibited elsewhere - although sometimes their preferences seep into the mainstream.

    But ultimately, each to their own, who cares in the end?


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