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Thread: Faith schools...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Faith schools...

    N.U.T. versus Faith Schools

    Damn straight I say - faith schools shouldn't be state funded, they should be independent "specialist" schools. And if the Dispatches on Channel 4 a month or so ago is anything to go by, religious-controlled schools aren't all they're cracked up to be, especially when the school is the only school kids can go to (because they live in the faith school's catchment area).

    Besides, surely only kids from families who want their kids to be taught with a religious upbringing should be going to these schools? I'm not saying get rid of them, but it seems unfair to make kids, who aren't 'of faith', to go to these particular schools. It also, as the article says, would promote segregation if they became much more popular - hence why they should be "special" schools, rather than state-funded.

    A state funded school is like the High School I went to - it was open for everybody of any race or religion and in Religious Education classes we were taught about ALL religions, prayer was left to do in your own family time if that's what you're into, and evolution was rightly taught in biology.

    Evolution is a science, I don't understand how creationism could be classed as a science - it's a belief, which surely belongs in Religious Education, or in the family sphere - OR - in a special school which isn't state funded, but is controlled by a religion.

    I hope I'm getting my point across, I'm not saying get rid of anything, but surely it makes a lot of sense to class faith schools as specialist, not fund them by the state (i.e. the tax payer) and not force (through catchment areas) kids to go to the schools if they and their familes don't want them to go there.

    I'm sure a lot of Muslims, Jews, athiests and so on would prefer their taxes to go towards state schools, which are of no particular religion, rather than funding a school which is run by a faith they don't believe in themselves.

    Hopefully I haven't caused offense, not intending on it, simply trying to get across my view on this situation, not to rub-my-own-horn but I think the ideas I've suggested are quite fair for all involved...


  2. #2
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    Evolution is a science, I don't understand how creationism could be classed as a science - it's a belief, which surely belongs in Religious Education, or in the family sphere - OR - in a special school which isn't state funded, but is controlled by a religion.
    On that subject I'll just quote M.C. Hawkings and say "They call their bull**** science like the word could give them cred, if them bitches be scientists then cap me in the head. **** the Creationists!"

    "To further complicate, I will now state, that your convictions lack definition and form."

  3. #3
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    they're just ****s.

    It's more systemic bull**** stemming from the national "re-faithening" that has happened due to Bush and Blair.

    I'm all for faith based schooling if that's your thing. but it creates a slant in government. either government needs to finance other forms of religious schooling, or admit they favor one religon over all others and then explain how this somehow does not appy to that pesky "Seperation of church and state" ruling.

    I have to admit i'm normally more tolerant of christianity, but since this whole "queers can't get married cause god says so" thing started, i favor a **** you a die stance to all of them.

    so screw their special schools.

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    once again minion zombie (and i cant believe i addressed someone as that in serious conversation,lol) i agree with you completely, i was watching that dispatches and thinking oh man next up "intelligent" design, then nazi skinheads. then living in caves grunting and smashing rocks together to make "ugh magik fire ugh".

  5. #5
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    I am for the complete and utter separation of church and state. This kind of thing ****es me off to no end.

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  6. #6
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    I always have a hard time listening to news about this crap....and I hardly can ever respond about it because the rage it fills me with leaves me almost speechless....

  7. #7
    Being Attacked MKULTRA1138's Avatar

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    I'm involved in recovery from drug abuse and someone that goes to meetings in my area recently got sentenced to a faith based rehab. Basically what they do there is tell the patients/inmates/brainwashing subjects that everything will be alright if they turn their lives over to Jesus. I think this song "Don't pray on me" by Bad Religion sums it up prefectly!

    a grizzly scene on my electron beam
    told a story about human rights
    so all of Kings horses
    and all of Kings men
    had a riot
    for two days and nights
    Well, the city exploded
    but the gates wouldn't open
    so the company asked him to quit
    Now everybody's equal
    Just don't measure it
    Well Hanson did it hester
    and Mark David did it to John
    and maybe Jack dit it to Marilyn
    but he did it to South Vietnam
    for beauty and glory
    for money, love and country
    Everybody's doing it,
    Don't do that to me
    I don't know what stopped
    Jesus Christ from turning
    every hungry stone into bread
    and i don't remember hearing
    how Moses reacted
    when the innocent first born sons
    lay dead
    Well I guess
    God was a lot more demonstrative
    back when he
    flamboyantly parted the sea
    now everybody's praying
    Don't prey on me

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Geez, I didn't get a single email telling me of responses to this post...

    Indeed, religion and politics should not mix - in fact, there should be a law against it. It's favourtism and segregation on a political level - the politicians are going to favour topics which slant towards their single faith - what about all the other faiths, and what about all the agnostics and athiests (such as I). Religious politics does not mix well for a free society - look at Bush for instance, using up valuable resources in the FBI to set up an anti-porn alliance who go chasing porn peddlers who haven't broken the law - only Bush's law of "taste and decency" - even Blair has legislation in the works of a similar stance, though it's still in the "consultation" process.

    As for the gays can't get married thing, I too think that's a load of crap - "cival partnership" - WTF is that?! It's just a pussy's way out of dealing with a situation, what a surprise it was Labour's doing - they can say they're both being tolerant but also not alienate their Christian (or whatever religion) voters. A free society means gay folk should be allowed to marry - WHERE is the problem in it? It's not going to suddenly mean that all straight couples that are married are going to turn gay and join a hippy commune and dance naked in the street smoking weed.

    Religion and Politics should definately be separated by law for governments to help make sure all future governments work towards truly treating everybody the same and promoting freedom of expression.


    Better watch or I'll morph into RantingZombie!
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 26-Jul-2018 at 05:13 PM.

  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i think people think christianity, and i have no religion, is untouchable.

    if you bad mouth or go against them you will:

    A- be called a terrorist or "hippie scum"

    B- if its america be sued till your arse bleeds purple or be interned into a scientology camp...brrr

    C- go out for junk food and the latest fangoria / jugs for older readers and never be seen again.

    but as long as you bad mouth gays,lesbians, unmarried parents, snakes, jews,buddhists, muslims, hindus, harry potter, sikhs, wikka, tao-ism, shinto, voodoo, bahai, jainism, astaru, druidism, darwin, universism, or mtv there cool with it


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