*shamelessly stolen from wiki....bitches*

Original Gameplay
Previews for Silent Hill: Origins released in 2006 showed an altered third-person camera system inspired by the gameplay of Resident Evil 4, although the producer William Oertel took note to state "we're not going FPS." Oertel also noted on the game's theme "We recognized that Silent Hill 2 was great in going into the psychological aspects, and we really want to imbue that in Origins too."[2]

At this time, it was estimated that a third of the game would be spent in familiar locations, with two thirds in new locations, such as an asylum and butcher's store. There was also a plan to introduce a "barricade" feature that would allow the player to block off areas with nearby objects.[2]

[edit] Revised Gameplay Previews
As of April 24th, the development of Silent Hill Origins has undergone drastic changes. For example, the game will no longer incorporate the over-the-shoulder pistol-aiming views inspired by Resident Evil 4 but will retain the fixed camera positions seen in the previous entries in the series. [5] The barricade system, a limited item inventory like the one used in Silent Hill 4: The Room and a planned weapon laser sight that was in earlier previewed versions of the game have also been dropped.[6] The gameplay returns to a mixture of obscure puzzles and melee fighting, with the return of the basic radio and flashlight items present in the first three games.[6] Melee weapons appear to be temperamental and will break after long periods of usage, although Travis can use hand-to-hand combat against monsters, demonstrates comparatively strong aptitude with firearms and has the ability to "charge" an attack (first introduced in Silent Hill 4).[7][8] The game's visuals have also been improved with greater detail in both the foggy world and the nightmarish universe and a very realistic use of light and darkness.[5][7]

The August 2007 leak of the game's demo has revealed it will contain an "Accolades" system, speculated to be an equivalent of the "Achievement" system of the Xbox 360.[9]

The game is estimated to be around 8-12 hours long.[4][5]

i was looking at this since im gettign rid of some 360 games today and im thinking of getting a psp (a big helping factor is the ds games are all 15 quid at the cheapest, whilst the psp has 4 for a tenner....yeah im a bum) to bridge the gap between when i finish final fantasy 12 and buy an elite 360, which'll be a while.
Now you dont need to know me very well to know im a big silent hill fan, akira yamoaka is THE man for videogame soundtracks and the only thing appealing to me about origins was yamoakas new 14 song soundtrack.

why?, because it was, as i posted a while back, a shameless resi 4 rip-off, barricading buildings, over the shoulder laser sight shooting ect.
well now there back to old school controls, lost the silent hill 4 limited inventory, brought back the angled and fragmented (unless you hold r2) camera angles and, of course the yamoaka soundtrack has stuck.
So now im getting a little more excited about this game, not exactly new news but still, theyve stopped trying to be a resi 4 clone and gone back to silne thill 2, now if you know the games you know thats good news.