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Thread: The West Memphis Three

  1. #1
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    The West Memphis Three

    I'm sure some of you have heard of them, but this past summer the DNA tests came back and found that none of the dna found at the crime scene matches any of the 3 men in jail. Also, there was a strand of hair from Terry Hobbs found in a knot in the ropes that tied up the boys at the murder scene.

    If you haven't heard of them here is a link to the site that explains the case and has updates as to whats going on with them.

    I urge you guys to at least read a little bit or watch the two HBO documentarys (Paradise Lost and Paradise Lost 2: Revelations) about what happened and if you can donate to their cause. These three are wrongfully imprisoned and time is running out for Damien, he is on his final appeal and then he gets the death sentance for something he did not do.
    Check out my dvd collection @

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  2. #2
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I also urge anyone to donate some money after seeing the film. The team helping them out needs every little bit they can get.

    These guys entered jail as kids, when they did nothing wrong, and they're going to (hopefully) leave jail clueless as to what the world is like now and how life works as an adult. 14 years of their lives wasted for something they didn't do because they looked different and listened to metal.


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