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Thread: see what happens when we help?

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey

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    see what happens when we help?
    we helped those bastard gain independence and be able to change the yugoslavia name and get "death to america" for it.

    i say we break out the bombs again. hiroshima,anyone?

  2. #2
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    No, we bombed Serbia to bits and have just backed the Albanians in stealing a part of a country that is not ours to give away.

    Serbs have a right to hate the US (and The EU, and my country, The UK).

    We have badly wronged these people.

    I say that the US and the EU keeps it's ****ing bombs to itself from now on.

    Or let me put it another way, if Texas gets a "mexican" majority in 10 years and they declare independence from the USA and the UN and EU recognise that independence, would you be happy with that?

    Edit: It also makes me sick when I feel so ashamed of my country that I actually have to side Russia of all countries!
    Last edited by Legion2213; 24-Feb-2008 at 01:19 AM.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    No, we bombed Serbia to bits and have just backed the Albanians in stealing a part of a country that is not ours to give away.

    Serbs have a right to hate the US (and The EU, and my country, The UK).

    We have badly wronged these people.

    I say that the US and the EU keeps it's ****ing bombs to itself from now on.

    Or let me put it another way, if Texas gets a "mexican" majority in 10 years and they declare independence from the USA and the UN and EU recognise that independence, would you be happy with that?

    Edit: It also makes me sick when I feel so ashamed of my country that I actually have to side Russia of all countries!
    u side with russia? remember, they had nobel peace prize winning scientists there who couldnt flip a switch and stop chernobyl. and for presidential elections? they poison people.......yay

    also if they declare independence,then they'd starve to death amongst other things. cuz im damn sure factories and companies dont wanna go through all the paper work to ship to a different country. things like produce shipments would be a non issue in that it wouldnt get done and all major businesses would close up shop in texas.
    Last edited by acealive1; 24-Feb-2008 at 01:57 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  4. #4
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    F*ck them. The U.S. needs to pull everything out of their pissant little country, and let them try to force Kosovo to remain under their rule on their own.

    We'll just crack a beer and watch them fail. Looks like they'll have to find Albanians to "ethnically cleanse" elsewhere. Too damn bad about their luck.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    That's right SRP, bomb the **** out of their "pissant little country", then leave them to pick up the pieces after we've cripled them.

    Oh, and they were doing ok controlling Kosovo until the west (lead by Clinton and Blair) stuck it's big nose in.

    You just sit back and crack a beer bud, but don't ****in whinge in a few years if a few Serbs decide to give your country a little "payback"....I won't if they hit mine.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  6. #6
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    That's right SRP, bomb the **** out of their "pissant little country", then leave them to pick up the pieces after we've cripled them.
    Please show the part of my post where I said "bomb" anything.

  7. #7
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    We already did bomb them SRP....the US, the UK, NATO....back in the late 90's

    You and Ace have summed up the worst of the US in two posts....him with his clueless statements about how you helped acountry by bombing the crap out of it, and you with your "pissant" comments....this country was one of a few that was never subdued by the Nazi's in WWII, they were fighting muslims jihadists before your ancestors were genociding the Native American Indians.

    And I say that as somebody who generally likes and respects America and it's people. Comments like yours are meat and drink to those who like to paint Americans as ignorant, arrogant people.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  8. #8
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Yeah, and they also started WWI, which directly resulted in WWII, which directly resulted in every f*cked-up thing in the world today.

    Yeah, a GREAT bunch of people. They're so awesome. Recreational Albanian-killing is just "all in good fun".

    I love how the U.S. Embassy needs to get attacked "because you won't help us". Sorry, but the U.S. isn't their f*cking slave. We are not - NOT - here solely for these people's convenience. It's THEIR problem. Gee, constantly f*ck with the people in Kosovo, then wonder why they want to leave. Then be stupid enough to think that "the U.S. has to take our side, because they aren't allowed to, you know, have free will or anything".

    They got to attack an Embassy - be happy with that. They made their bed, and nobody HAS to help them.

  9. #9
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    alright. everyone take a step back and smoke a fatty or do whatever it is you do that makes life bearable.

    truth is serbia has to realize that the world has changed. yugoslavia was a patchwork of a country put together after the two giant and destructive wars that almost ripped this planet apart at the beginning of the 20th century.

    that said the whole thing (yugoslavia) is no longer relevant at all. the conditions that led to its creation are gone and no longer apply. serbia needs to realize this.

    yes they fought the nazi's tooth and nail. yes they battled the ottoman empire and fought it out against the muslim incursion into europe. so did romania/wallachia but yet i don't see romania destroying itself.

    legion the indian comment was a bit of cheap shot. the vast majority of americans are sickened by what was done to them. i know i am and well, in my opinion any rational person ought to be. and in fact the huge battles against the ottomans were in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. when the vast majority of the ancestors of the folks living in america, were still either in europe or africa. the whole issue of indians is very touchy among those of us that live on this side of the atlantic. to zone in on america and not include what the spanish were doing to indian populations (long before the US even existed) is unfair in the extreme.

    i don't know SRP's ethnic background at all. he could very well be descended from the mass wave of immigration from a very fu**ked up europe that happened at the beginning of the 20th century and as such would bear no blame in what happened to the indians. since so many americans are descended from folks that have been here only about 100 years or so, we need to watch the generalalites and the throwing about of blame.

    if you want to point the finger at anyone point it at people like me. my family has been in the US for well over 300 years in what has become the american south. i am descended from slave owners and from the people who took north america. it may not be something to be very proud of but i (nor can anyone) change what has gone before our time on this earth and we should all be very careful about assigning blame that falls beyond living memory or beyond our control.
    Last edited by Mike70; 24-Feb-2008 at 03:20 AM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  10. #10
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    F*ck them. The U.S. needs to pull everything out of their pissant little country, and let them try to force Kosovo to remain under their rule on their own.

    We'll just crack a beer and watch them fail. Looks like they'll have to find Albanians to "ethnically cleanse" elsewhere. Too damn bad about their luck.
    Actually, if we "pulled everything out of their pissant little country" the Serbs would have few problems ruling Kosovo. I say do it. Regardless of George Shrub says, we are at war with Islam and, in the case of Serbia, the Muslims are attempting to expand their foothold in Europe. We bombed the wrong people in the 90's when Billy Jeff Clinton started his "wag the dog" war.


  11. #11
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    Actually, if we "pulled everything out of their pissant little country" the Serbs would have few problems ruling Kosovo. I say do it. Regardless of George Shrub says, we are at war with Islam and, in the case of Serbia, the Muslims are attempting to expand their foothold in Europe. We bombed the wrong people in the 90's when Billy Jeff Clinton started his "wag the dog" war.

    I couldn't care less whether they do or they don't. The point is, they do NOT simply "have the right" to dictate who the U.S. helps, and who the U.S. does not help.

    But everyone seems to think they do. Everyone does nothing but talk sh*t about the U.S., but this is always the first country they turn to for a handout. And if it isn't given, "oh, that's just terrible". Help is never asked, always demanded.

  12. #12
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    I couldn't care less whether they do or they don't. The point is, they do NOT simply "have the right" to dictate who the U.S. helps, and who the U.S. does not help.

    But everyone seems to think they do. Everyone does nothing but talk sh*t about the U.S., but this is always the first country they turn to for a handout. And if it isn't given, "oh, that's just terrible". Help is never asked, always demanded.
    I fully agree with you here.


  13. #13
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    I fully agree with you here.


    i say we just dont help,period.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Umm, actually, it was the Treaty of Versailles that was the catalyst for the beginning of Nazism in Germany, and the start of WW2 in the european Theatre.

    They only had their fingers involved in the start of WW2 in a very very very indirect way.

  15. #15
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    This is how stupid we are.
    If you look at this official US government site
    you will see pages and pages of US aid to nations everywhere.

    And that money to help all these people comes from a magic
    elf who waves his wand and creates it.
    Oh no wiat, it doesn't. It comes from us evil americans
    tax dollars, which is taken from our weekly paychecks.

    The problem is quite simply
    We are expected to help everybody with their problems
    and are not given any thanks at all, ever.
    But let some unstable part of the world have a problem
    and then the same ones who demanded our assistance in time of need
    tell us how horrible we are.
    Until they have another disaster that is....

    We just helped Albania deal with widespread fires they couldnt handle.

    Its long past time the US tells the rest of the world to screw
    when it has any kind of problem. Be it with milliatry or humanitary aid.

    When something happens and they want our help, our response should be:
    "You go to Hell. You go to hell and you DIE!"

    And when they start with the ethnic cleansing again, we will
    be enjoying the simpsons.
    Last edited by kortick; 24-Feb-2008 at 08:02 AM.


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