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  1. Interesting image quality comparison - 700mb XVid, DVD, 720p & 1080p (23 replies)
  2. $70 Zombie Movie, Colin a hit at Cannes (6 replies)
  3. Mutant chronicles (0 replies)
  4. Last Night (1998) apocalyptic movie (1 replies)
  5. 9 - This has got me interested! (2 replies)
  6. Car chase video.... (7 replies)
  7. "Inglourious Basterds" - Oh dear! (4 replies)
  8. Some V remake clips over at AICN (10 replies)
  9. More Mad Max 4 rumours? (15 replies)
  10. MZ's Top 50 Favourite Movies Ever...(Completed 22nd May 2009) (32 replies)
  11. MZ's "X-Men" franchise review bonanza... (24 replies)
  12. Boom! (2 replies)
  13. Anthony Hopkins returning as Hannibal Lecter (14 replies)
  14. Your Favorite Gore Scene, Non Zombie Movie Related. (38 replies)
  15. How am I supposed to feed my kids tonight?!? (16 replies)
  16. bouncy balls take over... (9 replies)
  17. you can't kill a toyota... (2 replies)
  18. FEARnet dropped by Time Warner (4 replies)
  19. "The Road Is the Most Important Movie of the Year" (105 replies)
  20. What now for Star Trek? (spoilers) (40 replies)
  21. Does anyone read Horrorhound Magazine? (0 replies)
  22. My Credit Crunch Home Cinema/Gaming/Music Room Build (27 replies)
  23. Tell No One (0 replies)
  24. Let The Right One In... (7 replies)
  25. IRON MAN 2 gets its first image! (14 replies)
  26. Just back from Star Trek... (31 replies)
  27. Handy lession - How to say '12 months' in Estonian... (2 replies)
  28. best. fan. film. ever. (2 replies)
  29. 'District 9' - Looks interesting... (87 replies)
  30. History Channel: Life After People (14 replies)
  31. My Name Is Bruce (film) (9 replies)
  32. Blood Freak playing on TCM (10 replies)
  33. Mass murder at a wedding - I thought this only happened in Hollywood films! (2 replies)
  34. Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day?!?!?! (23 replies)
  35. Anthropophagus 2!!!! (3 replies)
  36. So, Wolverine? (7 replies)
  37. MZ's newest collection of movie viewings (11 in total)... (5 replies)
  38. My Bloody Valentine 2009 - another sucky remake... (9 replies)
  39. TMZ claims TUPAC is ALIVE (15 replies)
  40. Pulp Fiction Continuity Error (17 replies)
  41. Opinions on 2nd Seasons of Jericho & The Wire? (0 replies)
  42. Anybody into the Alien Films (2 replies)
  43. Now they're remaking Drop Dead Fred (15 replies)
  44. Adult Swim/Monroeville Mall TV Spot homage (15 replies)
  45. Best You Tube Video... EVER (NSFW) (6 replies)
  46. Timothy Olyphant insults Romero (25 replies)
  47. Favorite fictional serial killer poll (23 replies)
  48. bouncing around youtube and found this.... (7 replies)
  49. growing very annoyed with the columbine hoopla... (18 replies)
  50. Piratebay Convicted (9 replies)
  51. Movie plots in one sentence (18 replies)
  52. John Madden retires (7 replies)
  53. Twilight - A DjfunkmasterG Review (23 replies)
  54. Fir tree grows in a lung? (13 replies)
  55. Mrs Gibson - Worth over 1/2 a billion dollars? (7 replies)
  56. Mark 'the Bird' Fidrych RIP (0 replies)
  57. UFO clip! (7 replies)
  58. RIP: Marilyn Chambers (13 replies)
  59. RIP Harry Kalas (0 replies)
  60. My Childhood has been raped via movies (12 replies)
  61. Clip of a dude getting mugged in Paris... (21 replies)
  62. So, Abrams pulled it off! (16 replies)
  63. Good Krod! (3 replies)
  64. Crazies remake part up for bid. (3 replies)
  65. My review of I SELL THE DEAD (new zed flick) (18 replies)
  66. Apocalypse Now - 330 min workprint (22 replies)
  67. Creepy Metallica video: "All Nightmare Long". (3 replies)
  68. Paul Walker <-- terrible actor (15 replies)
  69. Adventureland (7 replies)
  70. Wolverine Workprint now Online (12 replies)
  71. Harold Ramis Dishes on 'Ghostbusters 3' (3 replies)
  72. The Hobbit / LOTR - Another trilogy? (5 replies)
  73. UK - Red Dwarf - New episodes in April... (30 replies)
  74. An interesting read about a film Tom Cruise is producing... (5 replies)
  75. Bill O'Reilly loses major sponsor. (10 replies)
  76. "Hawk The Slayer" gets a sequel?!?!?! (9 replies)
  77. The Three Stooges (film) (23 replies)
  78. Space Post - Timelapse of space shuttle Discovery's flyaround of the Space Station (7 replies)
  79. ...wtf did I just watch? (7 replies)
  80. Will someone PLEASE stop 'The Asylum'... (17 replies)
  81. best premature obituary ever... (3 replies)
  82. Dark Knight Directors Brother Arrested for MURDER (3 replies)
  83. American Movie (12 replies)
  84. Natasha Richardson dies... (6 replies)
  85. This looks cool! (5 replies)
  86. March 2009 movie musings... (0 replies)
  87. WATCHMEN - MZ's epic rant about said movie... (22 replies)
  88. RZ's H2 to feature a bearded, vest-wearing Michael Myers? (40 replies)
  89. It's all in the eyes... (7 replies)
  90. Crank 2 (8 replies)
  91. Stephen King's "It" to be made into a film... (30 replies)
  92. The Chronicles of Riddick (12 replies)
  93. wow, a BBC journalist who actually understands the US... (6 replies)
  94. Vader being a jerk... (7 replies)
  95. nanotech used against cancer for the first time... (3 replies)
  96. Fantastic Four Reboot film, who the hell cares? (17 replies)
  97. Edward gets owned! (5 replies)
  98. Blindness (3 replies)
  99. Japanese prank... (13 replies)
  100. Kyle Reese On John Connor. (15 replies)
  101. Banned DUREX COndom Commercial - Funny as Hell (17 replies)
  102. Rough justice! (8 replies)
  103. 'The Tripods' news... (9 replies)
  104. Lily Allen's latest single's lyrics... (14 replies)
  105. Nosferatu & the new Day otd. (14 replies)
  106. War of the worlds fans! (1 replies)
  107. New Venture Brothers 3rd Season Blu-Ray (1 replies)
  108. Last House on the Left Remake (5 replies)
  109. worst stephen king movie... (27 replies)
  110. Office chair explodes, killing boy (5 replies)
  111. Friday 13th 2009 (and a massive rant about remake culture)... (5 replies)
  112. Dawn of Victory (3 replies)
  113. Shameless self-promotion (0 replies)
  114. Twin peaks, what happened? (6 replies)
  115. Sea lamprey--one of the creepiest animals ever. (6 replies)
  116. Favorite Stephen King movie (50 replies)
  117. Blindness - one of the most depressing and harrowing films ever... (3 replies)
  118. Genius from the 70's (2 replies)
  119. Valkyrie (6 replies)
  120. This water jet pack looks like fun... (2 replies)
  121. Another remake of the Fugitive? Huh? (0 replies)
  122. Wargames remake looking more likely... (2 replies)
  123. One Good Thing That Will Come From the Release of the new Terminator... (26 replies)
  124. Nine Inch Nails RIP (19 replies)
  125. This Way Up (0 replies)
  126. "Shooting Dogs" (2 replies)
  127. lamest movie death ever... (18 replies)
  128. FRIDAY THE 13th: My quick thoughts - contains spoilers* (2 replies)
  129. Behind The Mask; The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2 replies)
  130. 300 re-re-re-revisited... (6 replies)
  131. My bloody valentine 3D.. (10 replies)
  132. Quentin Tarantinos Inglorious Basterds Trailer (23 replies)
  133. Trailer for Remake of The Taking of Pelham 123 (4 replies)
  134. New Friday the 13th (81 replies)
  135. The Truth about your next electronics purchase (NSFW) (6 replies)
  136. A-Hole finally owns up to it. (21 replies)
  137. 10 Character Clichés that Must Die, (from a conservatives point of view) (5 replies)
  138. 'Wyatt Earp' or 'Tombstone' (32 replies)
  139. Next for your internet radio listening pleasure... Dracula... (1 replies)
  140. W. (Dubya) - the movie... (12 replies)
  141. Lux Interior of The Cramps RIP (8 replies)
  142. best sword fight scene ever... (7 replies)
  143. John Carpenter's THE WARD (9 replies)
  144. celeb rants... (22 replies)
  145. Christian Bale goes apeshit on the set of T4 (36 replies)
  146. Choke, Quarantine ... and a massive rant about sub-titles... (1 replies)
  147. Rock 'n' Roll, UK or USA? (35 replies)
  148. Obamazom and friends ... er, fiends (2 replies)
  149. Zombie Targets.Net Demo Video (2 replies)
  150. A question for film-buffs/film students (8 replies)
  151. John Landis suing Michael Jackson (9 replies)
  152. My guilty pleasure - 'Kyle XY'... (3 replies)
  153. New apocalyptic TV series, 'Day One'... (8 replies)
  154. Trailer for "Scary Mary" (Poppins) (7 replies)
  155. A-Team Movie Back on - Ridley and Tony Scott to Produce (15 replies)
  156. Previously ... on Lost (funny video) (4 replies)
  157. Probably the best online video I have ever seen!! (15 replies)
  158. Crank 2: High Voltage Red Band and Green band trailers (7 replies)
  159. Hardly any payne at all. (2 replies)
  160. Kubrick / Role Models / Alienating People / The Wrestler... (13 replies)
  161. Oscar nominations 2008/2009 (5 replies)
  162. finally some sanity about guantanamo bay... (6 replies)
  163. Antropophagus the beast (2 replies)
  164. WTF!?!?!? GI Joe? (45 replies)
  165. Who do you think would win in a fight between vampires and werewolves ? (3 replies)
  166. New Star Trek trailer (31 replies)
  167. Savini on Home Make-over (8 replies)
  168. The story of Star Wars.... (6 replies)
  169. agent smith or darth vader (19 replies)
  170. Another sad loss.. (0 replies)
  171. MOVIES TO AVOID AT ALL COSTS - Any Genre (95 replies)
  172. RIP Patrick McGoohan (9 replies)
  173. RIP Ricardo Montalban (17 replies)
  174. Totally Off Topic: The Unit (1 replies)
  175. Ahhh, what a shame... (0 replies)
  176. Brian DePalma-what happened? (7 replies)
  177. UK folk - 'Being Human' series on soon... (7 replies)
  178. Max Payne - and a rant about videogame-to-movie adaptations... (5 replies)
  179. Prince Harry racial slur (20 replies)
  180. 'I Am Legend' radio reading on BBC IPlayer (4 replies)
  181. Mmmmm... I've had so many dreams along these lines... (6 replies)
  182. SAW V, a rant - how shit is it? (20 replies)
  183. Now explain this! (3 replies)
  184. so how did he reach the pedals??? (3 replies)
  185. Cop Shoots Restrained Man on Video. (9 replies)
  186. Now McG to direct remake of '20,000 Leagues Under The Sea' (2 replies)
  187. Sneaky Ninja Cat! (11 replies)
  188. Another MZ movie review splurge... (7 replies)
  189. if this doesn't give you a laugh... (3 replies)
  190. a brief movie review session (34 replies)
  191. "i'in't this fucked up!" (17 replies)
  192. Jett Travolta (4 replies)
  193. MushroomHead (13 replies)
  194. Classic Horror Films.. (28 replies)
  195. Cannibal Holocaust theme guitar cover (0 replies)
  196. Things we've learned from movies.. (4 replies)
  197. Gran Torino - One of Clint's Best - A DjfunkmasterG Review (48 replies)
  198. Dead Heist (8 replies)
  199. My musings on "Mirrors"... (7 replies)
  200. this guy has officially won the internets (8 replies)
  201. KUNG FU PANDA, So what is all the hype? (14 replies)
  202. Cannibal Corpse ! (16 replies)
  203. Dimebag Darrell Rememberance Thread (6 replies)
  204. SlipKnoT (Media Discussion) (24 replies)
  205. Another Cool Lego Video - STAR WARS/KILL BILL Parody (1 replies)
  206. Coolest Lego Animation - WHIPLASH - Metallica (3 replies)
  207. Gran Torino (2 replies)
  208. Cheapest/best Blu-Ray player? (7 replies)
  209. The Dark Knight Appreciation Thread (nee Highest Blu-Ray Sales) (91 replies)
  210. A little something for Bassman (20 replies)
  211. For you techo-nerds... (1 replies)
  212. Anyone watch History Channels' Crash: The Next Depression? (2 replies)
  213. Righteous Kill / Burn After Reading / Death Race ... musing time! (1 replies)
  214. Jet Li vs. Ivan Drago (1 replies)
  215. a little early this year but it's time (8 replies)
  216. "I Love Your Sausage For 30-Something Years" (20 replies)
  217. Anybody have a ZUNE? (8 replies)
  218. New operating system with innovative and impractical User Interface (6 replies)
  219. King Kong Extended Edition... (2 replies)
  220. favorite live recordings? (7 replies)
  221. gift wrap your zombie. (1 replies)
  222. Converting a small movie clip into a moving picture (2 replies)
  223. "Friday the 13th" Remake Trailer Released. (10 replies)
  224. Sunshine. (16 replies)
  225. Recommend Some Great Cold War films/media (17 replies)
  226. Well! Now a BBC 'Day of the Triffids' remake... (8 replies)
  227. what have you been watching lately? (15 replies)
  228. people you don't want to be standing next to... (16 replies)
  229. Anyone Heard of the "The Wrestler" ? (10 replies)
  230. Red Dawn! (22 replies)
  231. So now I am Legend 2 is a sequel, not a prequel? (5 replies)
  232. Cool meteor vid... (7 replies)
  233. Another batch of MZ's movie musings... (1 replies)
  234. Kid commits suicide on a message board I frequent. (18 replies)
  235. The Crazies remake has a lead! (11 replies)
  236. Tales from the Darkside DVD (5 replies)
  237. Quantum of Solace - Oh Dear! Doesn't bode well for World War Z! (30 replies)
  238. OooOBaaAMaaA .... (repeat) (13 replies)
  239. new star trek trailer... (7 replies)
  240. Disney's animated Tarzan film... (8 replies)
  241. Amazing car control... (10 replies)
  242. Jeff Dunham XMAS special Clip W/ Peanut (9 replies)
  243. anyone else seen russian ark? (4 replies)
  244. I think I might dislike Roland Emmerich films more than Uwe Boll ones!? (3 replies)
  245. Family Guy seaseon seven DVD (UK) (4 replies)
  246. Black Hole short film... (5 replies)
  247. Soul Men (0 replies)
  248. Victims of coicumstance?....... (22 replies)
  249. "The Road" meets "The Happening"? (10 replies)
  250. Ridley Scott to Direct 'The Forever War' Adaptation (6 replies)